Today, starts a documentary and success story of
Kaden Mathew Casebolt.

He was diagnosed with
Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type 3 at 4 weeks old.
Doctors told me repeatedly in utero that my son Kaden had a 95% chance of breathing at birth.
It wasn't until the morning of February 24th, after I had heard that
gracious cry..
that I had no doubt this little man was a fighter.
Kaden remained in the NICU for 5 weeks after birth.
About 3 weeks after bottle-feeding on breastmilk, the OT/PT became very concerned about
this "junkiness" noise in Kaden's throat.
She then scheduled whats called a "swallow study" to examine his feeding by xray of the
During the examination, it revealed that Kaden had been aspirating his bottle feeds.
Meaning, little at a time the milk would run into his lungs which can cause pnemonia.
Emidiately, Dr. Julie scheduled for Kaden to have a
gastrostomy tube (also called a
G-tube) It's a small, thin tube inserted through the abdomen that delivers nutrition directly to the stomach. It's one of the ways doctors can make sure kids with trouble eating get the fluid and calories they need to grow. He would have to keep this in until his next swallow study.
Which is still in the process of happening -_-
Kaden did very well with this. But, I could see that he truely missed being able to fulfill his suction needs. So, we devised a "cold stim" plan.
Basically, so Kaden would still establish getting full with sucking on his paci he would not "forget".
Everytime he eats now I soak his paci in ice, cold water and he
LOVES it to pieces (;
The nurses at Medical City Childrens of Dallas treated him as if he were a
normal infant, which was defying to my boyfriend and I.
KNEW he was in pain, and we would tell them over & over again to go slower.. take their time.
It took me being their every day to make sure each & every nurse that looked after him knew what the hell they were doing.
After nearly 5 weeks in the NICU, he had faced his first (out of uetero) fracture.
It was the night before discharge, after one of the nurses "sponge bath".
Dr. Shah called in the OT/PT to stitch a sling for his little right arm, where it had to remain neutral
against his chest for healing.
We were mortified, of course. But we knew it would not be an easy road from there.
He had finally come home to us the day after.
Safe & sound.
After 2 months of being at home with Kaden, I decided to let my job go.
Kaden needed a full-time mommy & teacher, and working at the SPCA of Texas was not going
to give me much time for that. Besides, you think I would trust anyone else with him?
HA. Good one (;
A few weeks after, Kaden had fractured his left arm.
One morning we noticed him imbolizing it against his body, which is a definite sign for a fx.
We took him tothe ER at Medical City where we waited for 2 HOURS to be seen.
The things Kelby and I put up with -_-
In April, I joined a group on Facebook called "OI Parents" where Chelsea Lush and Amber Gaskill guided me to the
Children's Hospital of Omaha in Nebraska where they actually have an OI Clinic there! the only one in the
COUNTRY! They also informed me about a treatment with "
Pamidronate" (PAM for short) would help sub for collagen in KAden's bones that can help reduce fx and pain! I was toooo excited about this opportunity to meet with doctors and trained specialist that HAD A CLUE about what Kaden is going through.
SO! June 13th, My mother and I set out to Omaha.
Kaden did very well for a 2 hour flight to St. Louis then 2 hours to Omaha!
When we arrived, we had our stay at The Rainbow House. It is located near the hospital to provide overnight or extended
day accommodations to parents and family members of children receiving treatment
at Children's. The woman that ran the whole shin-dig was very generous. She would cook meals throughout the day for the parents and children staying in her 3 story house! It was beyond amazing.
The next day, we were seen by a couple of the OI Clinic's staff. They had a look at Kaden and decided he was type 3/4 moderate. They talked to us about the in's and out's of Pamidronate and how he would be receiving it every 8 weeks until he stopped growing. Which is guesstimated around 17/18 years old.
That night.. he got his first dose.
50 ml of pure bone juice!
Ever since then, he's been a
completely different baby.
Since day 1, Kaden has done nothing but fight all odds against every obstacle.
He has begun to "coo" and pull and grab toys and he keeps COMPLETE eye contact on each person speaking to him 24/7. He's starting to
SMILE and laugh a little, which makes us just melt. It's literally too beautiful (:
He is one social butterfly! {;
So! Stick around, I will be updating every chance I get!
Prepare for Kaden Mathew Casebolt's success story on Life with OI!